Tag Archives: Parrot Adopt Me

What is a Neon Parrot Worth in Adopt Me?

What is a Neon Parrot Worth in Adopt Me?

The Parrot was released in Adopt me! on August 31, 2019. Parrot is a limited legendary pet because it is now unavailable. You can only have it by trading or hatching a Jungle Eggs if you still have one. The Neon Parrot is much more valuable because players need 4 Parrot full-grown to make a Neon […]

What is a Parrot Worth in Adopt Me?

What is a Parrot Worth in Adopt Me? How to get a Parrot in Adopt me?

The Parrot was released in Adopt me! on August 31, 2019. Parrot is a limited legendary pet because it is now unavailable. You can only have it by trading or hatching a Jungle Eggs if you still have one. Because of its rarity, players now almost choose the trading way to get a Parrot but defining value […]